Colour on the Thames

Holister Harvey with a great colour film from 1935. Check there sister site as well, great POLAROIDS.

Laika | Dynamic Type

"With LAIKA, there is finally a font that can seamlessly use the whole spectrum of its cuts. A font that is able to move between its extremes in real time. An interactive font that is able to respond to its surroundings. A font that questions deadlocked dogmas and throws up completely new design questions, and thus has the potential to revolutionise the understanding of digital typography." just go watch the video.

Matt Lyon | Illustration

This artist's name is Matt Lyon and C86 is a stage for his artwork. He is a UK-based artist, and has great folk style art, and illustration. Great attention to line, color, pattern and shape. Take a look.

Green Rocker

Rock your lamp on and read into the dark without plugging in or charging up.

Cosmic Excerpts

Cool old stuff. Bunch of Airbrushing and Photography on flickr

Nas Chompas | Drawings

This is the Flickr for illustrator James Mitchell who's "pen name" is Nas Chompas. You can also get to his photo work from his flickr, there is all types of good stuff.

Paul Phung | Photostream

Paul Phungs photostream on flickr showcases some really great up to date photography, if you get a chance you should check it out.