Kelsea Kosko | TLP Photo Feature

Kelsea submitted these beautiful images to me. I was very impressed and intrigued, so I wrote back asking a few questions. Here is what she had to say. "I am a seventeen year old photographer from Fort Myers, Florida. I have been shooting since November 2010 when I was given my mom's old Minolta. So for the first few months I shot only film, but have recently started using a Canon Rebel, a polaroid when possible, and a disposable waterproof camera. My subjects are always kids from class, sometimes friends, but mostly just acquaintances who I find interesting (but usually we become friends by the time the shoot is over!) I think the real thrill is just talking to or passing by someone in the hall and noticing a beauty about them, that they aren't even aware they possess. Being able to use models would be an honor and probably very inspiring as well. But for now I am simply too far away from any major city (closest is Miami). My original intent was to just shoot for myself, because it's sort of a personal obsession. My goals for quite some time have been to live and study in New York City and travel, and recently my teachers and friends suggested I should try to show my photos to colleges there, or try to get an internship. Yes, you may post my work, I would be thrilled. I found the Last People as I was reading the art blog "Ok great"! Thanks again and this made my day!!" Click here to see feature.